
Gong xi gong xi.

Chinese New year is approaching and I have come to realise the excitement level decreases with passing age. Well, as a child, red packets are aplenty and things are just...well... more exciting. With sweets and goodies filling each household, its a kid's food feast and not to mention the catalyst of cavities. Then as you get older, the goodies somehow do not appeal as much to our weight and health conscious selves. To top it off, with the onset of marriage, the influx of cash from hong baos comes to a halt as you place hong baos in the hands of pesky children.

To make things more exciting this year, I have steered away from the tradition take on Chinese new year cookies such as peanut and almond cookies. Instead, I made Parmesan cheesy cookies and chocolate centered butter cookies.

Oh and I also tried out a recipe for Honeycomb cake that was stored away for a long time. The "honeycomb" wasn't as high as a wanted to be, but at least its still there. haha.

Happy Lunar new year to all!

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